This is a little wiki site put together to stimulate thinking ahead of the Librarians At Their Best conference, and capture any thoughts, ideas and suggestions that result from the conference.
Some content has been added already, but the main purpose of the site is to act as a filter for your own ideas. So, if you want some starters for ten, then click on the page links in the side menu, or click on words in the tag cloud.
If you want to add coments to the pages, then click on Edit at the bottom of the page you are reading. This brings up the edit screen. After that it is really simple - honest! Simply type and save. Above the text box are a whole load of format buttons (bold, superscript, bullet points). Just apply the formatting as you would in a word document. It displays in weird HTML tag marker whatsit symbols ([[ ]], **, | and so on), but when you save it and view the page normally it all looks as it should.
If you want to add something totally new, then just type in a new page name and click on Create Page.